Sunday, April 13, 2008

English activity

Write the information you have collected on the following themes :-

Polar region


Ice Sports

Polar animals

Types of Ships


Defence Campus March 2022 said...

Antarctica is the icy continent at the South Pole. It is surrounded by water, and is about 1 1/2 times larger than the United States. The world's largest desert is on Antarctica. 98 percent of the land is covered with a continental ice sheet; the remaining 2 percent of land is barren rock. Antarctica has about 87% of the world's ice.

Maaz said...

I have collected an information about a polar animal (penguin who lives in Antarctica).
The penguins live in South Polar Region. It’s a polar animal. Penguins are birds that cannot fly but swim easily in the sea. Because of their heavy body their wings cannot push them. The EMPEROR PENGUIN is the largest penguin; it weighs upto 65 pounds (30 kg). Every penguin has a light color in front and dark color at the back; this camouflage helps them to hide themselves from predators. Their predators are killer whale. Penguins eat fish, squid and crustaceans

Unknown said...

Ice Sports

I find information the theme Ice Sport. Visit the blog and read the information.

Ice surfing: Ice plays a role in winter season; ice sports are enjoyable games for the people of west. There are many types of ice sports. Ice-skating, tour skating, ice hockey, ice fishing. Many of the different sports played on ice get international attention every four years during the winter Olympic games.

haris atif said...

Ice sports

Hello! We found information on ice sport and ice fishing.
Here it is type of ice hockey.
Ice hockey is same like hockey, which is our national game. Ice hockey is played in cold places like Canada and United state of America. It is a team sport played on ice. It is a speedy and physical sport. Ice hockey is most popular in cold areas.

Type of ice fishing

Ice fishing is an activity of catching fish with lines and fishhooks or spears through an opening in the ice on a frozen body of water. Ice anglers may sit on the stool, or on chair on the open wide area or a frozen lake or sit in heated cabin on the ice, to catch the fish.

Members – Haris and Mehwish

Defence Campus March 2022 said...
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hussain said...

Ice sports

Hello I found information on icesports . Here it is the first one.

Skeleton Sports: skeleton is a winters sports in which players sled in a lying first position, down on ice.

Broom ball: broom ball is a very popular & a enjoyable game in Canada & played around
The world .It is played in a hockey rink depending on climate & location.In a game of broom ball. There are 2 teams, each consisting of 6 players, a goal tender plus 5 others goals than your opposite teams goals are scored by hitting the ball into your opposite team net using your broom.

Written by Sana & Hussain

hussain said...

Ice sports

Hello I found information on icesports . Here it is the first one.

Skeleton Sports: skeleton is a winters sports in which players sled in a lying first position, down on ice.

Broom ball: broom ball is a very popular & a enjoyable game in Canada & played around
The world .It is played in a hockey rink depending on climate & location.In a game of broom ball. There are 2 teams, each consisting of 6 players, a goal tender plus 5 others goals than your opposite teams goals are scored by hitting the ball into your opposite team net using your broom.

Written by Sana & Hussain

Unknown said...

Polar Region

The icy costal waters of Antarctica have tiny organisms. They provide food for small fishes kills are tiny crustaceans. The huge whale only eat, kills and other tiny animals and it cant eat any thing big because it doesn’t have teeth that act like a filter whales mouth, allow small sea animals to pass. The killer whales grow up to 30 feet long as a school bus. As commonly like to eat small seals, whales and the dolphins, it also eats tiny fish and krill. Penguins can swim but cannot fly. Other animals are at their home in cold Antarctica waters.

Members – warda - sudais

Unknown said...


Hello I find information on Iceberg.

Glaciers are formed on land of snow gathering over thousand of years. The layers packed together glacial ice which are 50 till 70
Meters deep. Icebergs move or drift very slowly. They are mostly white because ice is full of small air bubbles, which always reflect the light. However ice within an Iceberg is a sky-blue colour. Sometimes, dust or dirt from land falls on the glacier forming slightly dark brown or black layers. An iceberg is like a giant ice cube.

Members – Aleena - Saad

Members name AleenaNoushad & Saad Abbasi

Unknown said...

Hello: I found some information on polar region. I want my all friends to read this information.

Surviving the cold:
Animals that live in polar region have to survive in cold place. They keep warm and find food in ice condition. Polar bears make long journeys over the Arctic snow and ice in search of seals fish and plant to eat.
Written by: omer azam and Abdul Karim

Gohar Saqib said...

Polar Animals

Hello! I found information on Polar animals. Read it and share your views with me.

The three polar birds are Penguin, Diomeds melon and Iguana’s. These large birds have wings, but they do not fly. They use their wings as flippers to swim in the ocean near the South Pole. A parade of penguins heads down to the ocean to eat fish for food. The birds look like wind –up toys as they waddle across the snow. Most of the time penguins live in small groups in the sea. Once a year they gather in huge numbers on land to mate and to have their young. The female penguin lays an egg in a nest of stones. Some animals give
Birth to live babies. Penguins, like other birds, lay eggs with the babies inside. These baby penguins look like small versions of their parents.

Diomeds melon ophirs the black-browed albatross is mostly white with yellow-orange webbed feet. It also has very long wings, gray high paved light and a yellow beak.compaved to the 13 other albatross species one of the smallest animal.

Iguana’s leathery skin helps prevent it from drying up. Morning: Sits in sun to warm up after cool night.Noon: Hides in shade at hottest time of the day.Afternoon:Moves in and out of sun to keep warm or cool.
Written by Gohar and Usman.

Zara Abbas said...

Ice Sports
Hello we want to share information on ice sports.
Different types of ice games:

Ice skating
Tour skating
Ice hockey
Ice fishing
Ice climbing
Broom ball
Sled racing
Ice boating
Ice ranking

Facts on Ice Sports:
The world’s first artificial ice rink was opened in glaciarium in Chelsea, London on Jan 7.


A very risky sport .

Advantage :
Many people have made world records with ice climbing.

Written by zara and Humza

Gohar Saqib said...

Polar Animals

Hello! I found information on Polar animals. Read it and share your views with me.

The three polar birds are Penguin, Diomeds melon and Iguana’s. These large birds have wings, but they do not fly. They use their wings as flippers to swim in the ocean near the South Pole. A parade of penguins heads down to the ocean to eat fish for food. The birds look like wind –up toys as they waddle across the snow. Most of the time penguins live in small groups in the sea. Once a year they gather in huge numbers on land to mate and to have their young. The female penguin lays an egg in a nest of stones. Some animals give
Birth to live babies. Penguins, like other birds, lay eggs with the babies inside. These baby penguins look like small versions of their parents.

Diomeds melon ophirs the black-browed albatross is mostly white with yellow-orange webbed feet. It also has very long wings, gray high paved light and a yellow beak.compaved to the 13 other albatross species one of the smallest animal.

Iguana’s leathery skin helps prevent it from drying up. Morning: Sits in sun to warm up after cool night.Noon: Hides in shade at hottest time of the day.Afternoon:Moves in and out of sun to keep warm or cool.
Written by Gohar and Usman.

Unknown said...


Hi guys, I found to share information on Glacier. Please read it and tell me your views.
Glacier is a large, slow moving ice. It is formed from the layers of snow. It is the largest reservoir of fresh water. The process of glacier growth is called glacification. The word glacier comes from French word. Big glaciers are found in Antartica, Canada, Greenland and Iceland.

Members – Hanif and Ahson Adil

Anonymous said...

I liked gohore's information. I want to know more about it.

Anonymous said...

I have thought a poem to tell you on rainbow.

Voilt is like purple
Indigo is like blue
Blue and green also come
Yellow,orange and red are my favorite ones

Zara Abbas said...

I thought of sharing something on my pet dog.

I have a pet dog named tommy.It is avery cute white dog.It wags his tail most of the time.It Chews bones and when It want's to hid it,it digs my garden and hids it.It play's with me with a ball.I just love my pet dog.

Unknown said...

Polar bear

Baby polar learn stay close to their mother.
Polar bear spends two to three years with their mother.
who teaches to them how to survive, as well how to hunt.
They leave her when they are old enough to hunt . It is the largest animal. It is located in Antarctica. Climate of Antarctica is very cold. Polar bear lives in Arctic ocean.

Eating habits: White meat.
People hunt polar bear for their fur to get thick coat. Polar bear can live in land as well as in water.

written by rameez raza and hanif godil

Unknown said...


Hello I want to share information on glacier.

A glacier is a large slow moving river of ice, formed from closed layers of snow. Glaciers are the largest reservoirs of fresh water on earth. Glacier covers vast areas of polar region but is very risky. The Earth,s crust is pushed down by the weight of the ice, and melt water commonly collects and forms lakes along the ice margins.

Unknown said...

I like ghoar information i want to nomore about it

Unknown said...

1;Ferries usually perform shorter jorneys for passenger cars a.many of these ship ro-ro [roolonroolof].The number of luxury cruiser ships has also expanded greatly in recent year.nd commercial vehicles

2; Contanier ship carry most of worlds manufactured goods and products, usally on sucheduled liner services The least genera tion of 1o,ooo heavy truck .

3; othershipinclude car carries [shown here] gas carries heavy lift vessels and ships supporting the off shore oil industry. There is also large number of cargo ships.

Shameela Faisal Zia said...

I love the information on Ice Sports and even i did a project on Ice Sports I learned that they are many kind of ice sports example: ice hockey e.t.c

Shameela Faisal Zia

Muneeb said...

I like gastric brooding frog because it has intrusting facts.

Muneeb said...

I like gastric brooding frog because it has intrusting facts.

Muneeb said...

I like gastric brooding frog because it have intrusting sentences

Muneeb khan said...


I have collected facts about polar animals .Polar animals live in cold places.They don't like hot places.They found there food in cold places.They are fond in north america of artic regions.They eat green meat,watermelon.They kills seal

Muneeb khan said...


I have collected facts about polar animals .Polar animals live in cold places.They don't like hot places.They found there food in cold places.They are fond in north america of artic regions.They eat green meat,watermelon.They kills seal